Hôtel de la Marine :
It has just reopened following a major renovation that lasted from 2016 to 2021.

Appelé initialement "Hôtel du Garde-Meuble", l'Hôtel de la Marine fur construit en 1757-774 et se situe dans le 8ème arrondissement de Paris.
C'était également
ici qu'étaient conservés les diamants de la Couronne de
France et les bijoux personnels du Roi et de la Famille Royale.
Initially called "Hôtel du Garde-Meuble", the Hôtel de la Marine was built in 1757-774 and is located in the 8th district of Paris.
It was used under Louis XV to store the King's collections (royal Storage unit)), that is, to store furniture, works of art and tapestries... intended for the decoration of the royal residences.
The administration in charge of the King's furniture was then in charge of the choice, the purchase and the conservation of the furniture and the collections of the King: weapons and armors, diplomatic gifts, fabrics, hangings and tapestries, vases of hard stones, porcelains, chinoiseries, bronzes, cookies... but also cookware and household linen.
It was also here that the diamonds of the French Crown and the personal jewels of the King and the Royal Family were kept.

Marchands, artistes,
artisans, mécènes défilèrent au Garde-Meuble et furent reçus
dans des pièces d'exposition parfois plus richement décorées que
les maisons royales.
The Controller General of the Garde-Meuble and Intendant of the King, Pierre-Elisabeth de Fontanieu, had various warehouses, workshops, apartments, exhibition galleries... fitted out to meet the different needs of his administration.
Thus, with a sure and informed taste, he gathered the quintessence of the most luxurious, refined and innovative in terms of Decorative Art and interior design in the 18th century, thus orienting the French and European taste and pushing it to an unequalled level of excellence.
Merchants, artists, craftsmen, and patrons of the arts came to the Garde-Meuble and were received in showrooms that were sometimes more richly decorated than the royal houses.

la Révolution, il devient un lieu important où les émeutiers
parisiens trouvèrent des armes.
In 1777, Fontanieu opened the doors of the Hôtel Garde-Meuble to the public and made it the first Museum of Decorative Arts.
During the Revolution, it became an important place where Parisian rioters found weapons.

Place de la Concorde (anciennement Place Louis XV) où fut installée la guillotine.
Place de la Concorde (formerly Place Louis XV) where the guillotine was installed.
Café Smith&Son :
On y trouve de quoi se restaurer aussi bien en sucré, que salé ! Avec les vrais saveurs des produits anglais !
It is also the place where I find my next challenges to improve my English.
Le Théâtre de la Huchette :
To finish a good day, I would strongly invite you to go to the theater! And why not to the theater of the Huchette! You can see "La Cantatrice Chauve" and "La Leçon" by Eugène Ionesco, in their original settings (you have to appreciate the absurd). :)
A bientôt!
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